North American Arctic Transect
EyeSight-NAAT-Alaska Expedition 2012

Marcel Buchhorn, PhD candidate from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), spent the summer at the AGC lab and in the Alaskan Arctic doing research. Marcel attended also the Arctic Vegetation Ecology: Excursion summer course that Skip taught. His main research interests are the spectral characteristics as well as BRDF characteristics (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function) of tundra vegetation communities along gradients. Therefore he developed the gonio-spectrometer 'ManTIS', for easy ground truthing of satellite measurements, and brought it with him to test in the Alaskan Arctic. Aim of the collaborative research with the AGC is understanding of the reflectance signatures of tundra biomes along the main gradients in order to develop hyperspectral vegetation indices for the new EnMAP satellite mission.
- Buchhorn, M., and M. Schwieder. 2012. Expedition Eyesight-NAAT-Alaska 2012. Pages 41–65 in J. Strauss, M. Ulrich, and M. Buchhorn, editors. Expeditions to Permfrost 2012. Berichte zur Polar und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany. PDF
- More information about the ManTIS
- Marcel's Arctic movie (mp4)
- Virtual tour (Flash)
- EyeSight the movie (WMV)
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