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and Preliminary Conclusions |
Aboveground Phytomass (TAP) We found that total above ground phytomass (TAP) increases with summer temperature on both acidic (MAT) and nonacidic (MNT) parent materials, but the regression lines diverge as SWI increases (Figure 16). At the northern coast, the phytomass is similar for both MAT and MNT, but by the southern end of the gradient there is a 225% increase in biomass on MAT sites, and a 50% increase on MNT sites. This increase in phytomass is reflective of the increasing SWI as we move south, with more than a 3-fold increase in SWI from our furthest north site at Barrow (9¾C) to our furthest south site at Council (34¾C). A 5¾ increase in the SWI from Barrow to Quartz Creek (65¾N, SWI: 32¾C) correlates with about a 115 g m-2 increase in the aboveground phytomass for zonal vegetation on acidic sites and about 60 g m-2 on nonacidic sites. The only anomaly is the lower phytomass at the Atqasuk site (vs Barrow), but this is likely due to the sandy, leached, nutrient-poor soils at Atqasuk, which lies within a late Pleistocene-age sand sea (Carter, 1981). Between all sites, shrubs account for most of the aboveground phytomass increase on acidic substrates, whereas mosses account for most of the increase on nonacidic soils. The phytomass of shrubs increased 12-fold in MAT as SWI increased, but MNT shrub phytomass showed no correlation with temperature (Figure 17). The reason for the discrepancy in the shrub response are major differences in the species composition of acidic and nonacidic tundras. The dominant shrubs in MAT are Salix pulchra and Betula nana. These shrubs exhibit large changes in growth-form with increased temperature. In MNT, Dryas integrifolia, Salix reticulata and Salix arctica are the dominant shrubs, and all are very short or prostrate, and show little change in height in response to temperature. The dominant MNT erect shrubs are Salix richardsonii and S. glauca, but these are usually scattered and do not form a major component of the MNT plant canopies, even at the southern end of the temperature gradient. The large response of MNT mosses to increased summer warmth was an unexpected result and one of the most interesting observations (Figure 18). The phytomass of mosses increased by 250% on the MNT sites as SWI increased. Previous studies have noted that mosses greatly affect the thermal, hydrologic, and nutrient properties of the soils, and are one of the main factors that control the transitions of zonal vegetation from MNT to MAT near the southern boundary of Subzone 4 (Walker et al, 1998). It is possible that soil surface temperature could be greatly affected by this increase in mosses, and decrease the activity of frost boils, which play an important role in nutrient availability and a variety of other ecosystem properties that maintain the nonacidic ecosystems. This strong increase in MNT moss phytomass has not been previously observed and needs to be confirmed with further studies. The phytomass of the other plant functional types generally increased with warmer temperatures, except for the sedges in nonacidic tundra, and the lichens in acidic tundra. As we moved from the Arctic coast southward to the MNT/MAT boundary, it was very interesting to observe the changes in the dominant growth forms (Figure 20). The dominant growth forms near the coast (in order of dominance) for MAT was mosses, graminoids, lichens, then shrubs, versus on MNT it was graminoids, mosses, shrubs, then lichens. By the MNT/MAT boundary, the dominant growth forms for MAT had shifted to shrubs, mosses, graminoids, and lichens, and for MNT it had shifted to mosses, graminoids, shrubs and lichens.
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Area Index (LAI)
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The sandy
substrates at Atqasuk had the lowest productivity and NDVI of all the
mesic sites, despite relatively warm temperatures compared to the coastal
sites. Low nutrient availability accounted for low productivity, and relatively
high lichen cover, which has low spectral reflectance in the near-infrared
channels, accounted for the low NDVI values. Council presents a special
situation in that with only a 2.2¾C increase in SWI above Quartz Creek
(just 50 miles NW of Council), the zonal representative vegetation shifts
from tussock tundra to shrub-tundra. While it is technically still within
Subzone 5, its proximity to the southern coast of the Seward Peninsula
and tree line suggests its classification as a special maritime variant
of this subzone. Total aboveground biomass at the representative zonal
site (Council C3) is more than twice as high as at Quartz Creek (Figure
16), and more than 6 times higher than Barrow. It is 2-fold higher than
any of the other MAT sites, and 2.5 times higher than any of the MNT sites.
This large increase in biomass above the other sites is due primarily
to the significant increase in shrub biomass. Mean shrub biomass for this
site was 2135 g m-2, versus that of the other 2 highest sites (Quartz
Creek=427 g m-2; Oumalik=465 g m-2). Leaf area index was 2.3 (versus 0.75
at Barrow). NDVI was 4% greater than that of Quartz Creek, and 25% greater
than Barrow. While total aboveground biomass was much higher at Council
than at any of the other MAT or MNT sites, LAI and NDVI did not show the
same dramatic increase (Figures 19 & 20). In summary, Council is a
warm maritime climate that is representative of dense shrub tundras such
as those in the Alaska Yukon River drainage, as well as in Russia within
the Anadyr River drainage, and European Russia (west of the Urals). The Quartz Creek site, on the other hand, presents a more realistic picture of how a system much like that of the Arctic Foothills in northern Alaska might respond to warming. Shrub biomass in the water tracks is much higher, and the tussock tundra systems display greater tussock height and more sedge biomass. While it does not support the high-biomass shrub-tundra plant communities to the extent that Council does, these communities are certainly present. Based on our analyses, it appears that climate warming in the Arctic will likely result in increased phytomass, LAI, and NDVI on zonal sites. It is also likely that acidic areas supporting abundant shrub phytomass will demonstrate the greatest changes.
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