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Vegetation Studies: Seward Peninsula, Alaska 2000 [40.2 MB]
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J.G., D.A. Walker, L.R. Everett, and Nelson, F.E. 1998. Soils and cryoturbation
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Alaska. Arctic and Alpine Research, 30: 166-174
- Chapin,
F.S., III, W. Eugster, J.P. McFadden, A.H. Lynch, and D.A. Walker. 2000.
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H.E., M.D. Walker, F.S. Chapin III and A.M. Starfield. 2000. [3.4 MB pdf] A transient,
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warming. Ecological Applications 10(3): 824-841.
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H.E., F.S. Chapin III, M.D. Walker and A.M Starfield. 2001. [2.2 MB pdf] Analyzing
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model. Oikos 95: 239-252.
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W.A., D.A. Walker, M. Raynolds, H. Maier, S. Edlund, and S. Zoltai.
2001 submitted. Canadian Arctic Vegetation Mapping. International Journal
of Remote Sensing.
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G.J., H.E. Epstein, D.A. Walker, J.C. Burian, H. Maier, M.K. Raynolds,
and S.M. Riedel, 2001, Patterns of NDVI in Arctic Tundra from Local
to Circumpolar Scales. Poster for the LAII All-hand Meeting.
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G.J., H.E. Epstein, D.A. Walker. 2002. Spatial characteristics
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of Vegetation Science. 13:315-326
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G.J., H.E. Epstein and D.A. Walker. 2002. Intraseasonal patterns of
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Alaska. Submitted to International Journal of Remote Sensing.
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M.H., J.T. Fahnestock, D.A. Walker, M.D. Walker, and J.M. Welker. 1998.
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accumulation. Arctic and Alpine Research, 30: 373-380.
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C.J., and Walker, D.A., 2000, Proceedings of the 3rd International Circumpolar
Arctic Vegetation Mapping Workshop, U S Geological Survey Open File
Report 99-551.
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C.L., J.G. Bockheim, J.M. Kimble, G.J. Michaelson, and D.A. Walker.
1998. Characteristics of cryogenic soils along a latitudinal ransect
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S.M., H.E. Epstein, D.A. Walker, D.L. Richardson, M.P. Calef, E.J. Edwards,
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net primary production for four tundra types in northern Alaska. Submitted
to Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research.
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U., M.D. Walker, D.A. Walker. 2002 in press. Riparian willow communities
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A classification and ordination analysis. Phytocoenologia
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M.M., D.A. Walker, N.A. Auerbach, and B.E. Lewis. 1995. Biomass and
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Imnavait Creek Area, Alaska. Polar Record, 31:147-154.
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D., A. Hope, W. Boynton, S. Phinn, and D. Walker. [1.1 MB pdf] 1998. Satellite-derived
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for arctic tundra regions. Geomorphology, 21: 313-327.
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D.A. and K.R. Everett. 1991. Loess ecosystems of northern Alaska: alkaline
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M.D., D. A. Walker, and N.A. Auerbach. 1994. Plant communties of a tussock
tundra landscape, Brooks Range foothills, Alaska. Journal of Vegetation
Science, 5:843-866.
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D.A. et al. 1995. Toward a new arctic vegetation map: review of existing
maps. Journal of Vegetation Science, 6:427-436.
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D.A. and C.J. Markon (eds). 1996. Circumpolar arctic vegetation mapping
workshop: abstracts and short papers. Open File Report No. 96-251, US
Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.
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D.A. and A.C. Lillie. 1997. Proceedings of the Second Circumpolar Arctic
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CAVM-North American Workshop, Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, pp.
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G.J. Michaelson. F.E. Nelson, W.C. Oechel, C.L. Ping. W.S. Reeburgh,
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D.A. [1.7 MB pdf] 1999. An integrated vegetation mapping approach for northern
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D.A. 2000. Hierarchical subdivision of arctic tundra based on vegetation
response to climate, parent material, and topography. Global Change
Biology, 6: 19-34.
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D.A., J.G. Molenaar, and W.D. Billings. 2001. Snow-vegetation interactions
in tundra environments. In: Jones, H.G., J. Pomeroy, D.A. Walker, and
R. Wharton (eds.) Snow Ecology. Cambridege: Cambridge University Press,
pp. 264-322.
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Gould, J. Holllingsworth, J. Knudson, H. Meier, A. Moody, and M.K. Raynolds.
2002 in press. Phytomass, LAI, and NDVI in northern Alaska: relationships
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the circumpolar Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres.
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D.A., W.A. Gould, M.K. Raynolds, H.A. Maier. In press, 2002. The Circumpolar
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and integrated mapping procedures. International Journal of Remote Sensing.
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G. F.S. Chapin, K.R. Everett, J.E. Hobbie, D. Kane, W.C. Oechel, C.L.
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