
BIOL F488/688, Arctic Vegetation Ecology: Geobotany (3 credits)


(USDA ID) USDA PLANTS Database || Toolik-Arctic Geobotanical Atlas Toolik-Arctic Geobotanical Atlas || Flora of North America
Boreal borealforest.org || Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago || delta_key Families of Flowering Plants

Plant List: Common plants of the Alaska boreal forest and tundra

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Trees: Needleleaf Trees - Broadleaf Trees
Shrubs: Tall Shrubs - Low Shrubs - Erect Dwarf Shrubs - Prostrate Dwarf Shrubs
Graminoids: Grasses - Sedges - Rushes
Clubmosses and Horsetails
Bryophytes: Mosses - Liverworts
Lichens: Crustose Lichens - Foliose Lichens - Fruticose Lichens
  Family Latin Name Common Name Links in Plant Databases